Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Edwards, a.k.a. Silky Pony, on Ann Coulter's non-attack

John (Silky Pony) Edwards was on Hardball with Chris Matthews tonight defending himself & his wife against the big meanie Ann Coulter's non-attack.

If you aren't up to date on what has's the skinny:

Now, I'm no huge Ann Fan, but, she was unfairly attacked for something she said on Good Morning America.

Chris Cuomo: But to begin with the tough words, some tough words for you by the three top candidates in response to what you had said, some were calling it a homosexual slur, you said it was a taunt. They all came out when you were talking about John Edwards and said, 'This was wrong. We must deny it." Fair criticism of you or a shift towards the tolerant among the GOP?

Ann Coulter: No, no. There were, I was denounced all over. All over. I think the one that hurt the most was, was from I'… Very upsetting…Though about the same time Bill Maher said - and by the way, I did not call John Edwards the F-word. I said I couldn't talk about him because you go into rehab for using that word.


But about the same time, you know, Bill Maher was not joking and saying he wished Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack. So I've learned my lesson. If I'm gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot.

Obviously Ann wasn't really saying she wished Silky killed by terrorists, she was just trying to emphasize the point that an "Outspoken Liberal" can get away with wishing death on our VICE PRESIDENT but she as an "Outspoken Conservative" can't even get away with calling a "Liberal Candidate" a faggot.

So now, the Silky Campaign is using an edited version of this video to raise money for his Presidential bid, like he has a chance in hell to win...PUH-LEEZE!

Ann appeared on Hardball (WHY!?!) and Mrs. Silky got to call in and confront Ann about what she said. Why didn't Mr. Big Man John call in himself? Because Liberals would rather see the poor, poor Mother that has Cancer do it to raise funds.

Here is the edited video from the Edwards web site:

Here is the video of Mrs. Silky confronting Ann because Mr. Silky is a WIMP:

1 comment:

The Mom said...

Wow, you've been busy!! Love this post, BTW.